Tuesday, November 02, 2004
FW: New Eyeblaster Version 5.7 Released
Eyeblaster Newsletter

From: Eyeblaster, Inc. []
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 2:33 PM
To: Luis.Garrido
Subject: New Eyeblaster Version 5.7 Released

October 26, 2004
In the Spotlight:

Eyeblaster introduces version 5.7 of the Rich Media Platform, featuring the addition of new features dedicated to building a more personalized and relevant rich media advertising experience including Behavioral Ads, User Polling and Dynamic Data support. Eyeblaster has also introduced a new Push Down banner format and more enhancements to smooth the delivery of video across all advertising formats.


The deadline for the most important vote you can cast this week is rapidly approaching. Forget those Democrats and Republicans, and cast your vote for your favorite Eyeblaster Ad. Visit the Eyeblaster Awards voting site at and choose your favorite domestic and international Eyeblaster ad TODAY!!

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Video Support:

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True streaming: Most video ads we serve embed video into Flash. As the number of ad video streams grows, we have responded to client needs by offering true server-side video streaming using a Flash Communication Server, allowing longer duration video spots as well as more efficient bandwidth utilization. From now on, Eyeblaster will host every Flash video file on both a standard web server for progressive download and on a Flash Communication Server for true streaming.

Enhanced video in expandable and push-down banners: We can now buffer video into a banner expansion panel before the user opens it, which means that by the time a panel opens, the video will start playing immediately.

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New Format:

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The Push-down Banner is a new Eyeblaster format. Like the expandable banner, it enables a standard banner to expand beyond its original dimensions. However, unlike the expandable banner ad format, the expansion in the new ad format pushes down the page content instead of appearing on top of it.

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Dynamic Data:

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Dyanamic Data enables ad content to be changed in real time. With v5.7, Eyeblaster offers flexible options for incorporating your dynamic data, hosted on your own servers or ours!

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Behavioral ads:

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A behavioral ad “remembers” actions the user has taken in an ad viewed earlier in the campaign. Typical applications would be creating a narrative throughout a number of ad views, or recognizing items the user is interested in and then serving users subsequent ads based on their interests.

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User polling:

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Eyeblaster can display real-time results from a survey directly within an ad. It is now easy to design an ad that asks a user for an opinion through multiple-choice questions. When the user makes a selection, the user’s answer is recorded and the current aggregated totals for each selection are loaded into the ad and displayed back to the user.

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